Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Time Magazine's Person of the Year Contest, 2011 --- Editor selected --- The Protestor --- From the Arab Spring to Athens, from Occupy Wall Street to Moscow

"There was a lot of consensus among our people," Stengel told the Today anchors as he revealed the magazine's cover. "It felt right". This was considered to have the single greatest impact during the past year.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Josephine Catalano Macpherson
Michael Moore -
Capitalism: A Love Story

... This satirical documentary film revolves around the financial crisis of 2007-2010, and in particular, the recovery stimulus which was brought in by the Bush & Obama administrations. Topics covered include Wall Street's 'casino mentality', for-profit prisons, Goldman Sachs' influence in Washington, DC, the poverty-level wages of many workers, the large wave of home foreclosures, and the consequences of 'runaway greed'.

This film is really worth watching expecially after Occupied Wall Street!